Well-Being in the Workplace

The MBA understands that a happier workplace is key to retaining top employees. But it’s not just about retention. Studies have proven that happier employees are more productive, healthier and companies with higher morale even have high stock prices.

We are lucky to be in Midland County, where two nationally renowned wellness programs are readily available: Our Community Listens and Positive Psychology.

Our Community Listens (OCL)

From the OCL website: Our Community Listens offers distinctive learning experiences that transform individuals and the communities in which they live through the power of empathetic engagement. During our workshops, participants explore themselves and how they interact with others and come out on the other end seeing the world in a different way: through a more compassionate lens. Through tools that encourage and enhance human connection, Our Community Listens is fostering a society where care and compassion rise above indifference and prejudice-person by person, community by community. Learn more here.

Certification in Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP) Program

From the Flourishing Center website: The Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology Program (CAPP) is a comprehensive training program in the factors that enable individuals and organizations to thrive, and the world’s leading certification program in the field today. Learn more here.